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Putin scrambles for cover: State Dept launches hashtag war on Russia

Imagine on December 8, 1941 if instead of asking a joint session of Congress for a war declaration on Japan, Franklin D. Roosevelt countered with a Radio Age version of a Twitter hashtag war instead.

If so, we'd be speaking Japanese or German now.

From Human Events:
Just when you thought the Obama Administration’s foreign policy couldn’t get any more ridiculous, the State Department sallies forth with a bracing challenge for Russia to respect the lame-o Twitter hashtag they touted last month:

She hopes the Kremlin will "live by the promise of hashtag?" Was she drunk when she wrote this? It's not just social-media theater, either; Psaki mentioned it in a press conference, too, grumbling about the Russians: "I don’t think they're living by their hashtag."

Psaki is referring to the terrifying power of the Twitter hashtag (a phrase, beginning with a pound sign, that links multiple Twitter messages together) she introduced with a photo of herself holding up a crudely hand-lettered sign. Unfortunately, it’s not a “selfie,” which is the only way this could be more ridiculous.

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